Three thousand years of beautiful tradition, from Moses to Sandy Koufax...

Possessed of an acute sense of smell & a curious nature so no matter what city he goes to he always ends up in chinatown.

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Location: Appleton, Wisconsin, United States

Saturday, October 20, 2001

so i am going to write a blog for friday for 2 reasons. 1. A lot happened and a lot is going to happen on sat. and sunday so it i included friday, sat, sunday in one long blog it would be way too big. 2. Brian rigginz put up a challenge to beat his here it goes......
woke up and went to psych, after that decided to skip music and just go chill home for a while. on theway home i realized how dirty my car was. so i decided to clean it. i got home and got out the vaccuum and went to town.
after that i sprayed down the inside windows with windex....then the outside. at some point i accidently sprayed the hood of my car with a bunch of windex. When i wiped it off it uncovered the most brilliant white color that hasnt existed on my car for a long time. There was this thick film of dirt all over my entire cat that had accumulated so slowly that i never even noticed. so any ways....2 rolls of paper towls, a bottle of windex, and an hour and a half later my car was glowing. boy my wrist hurt. after that i went and made some Mac&cheeze...then went to choir. met paul redel after that and we went to church to pick up all my stuff for the spoonful show .
then i went home and changed. we all met back at the gorskis and then all of spoonful, paul redel, and mama and papa gorski went to panninos to get din-din. then we left for chicago. traffic wasnt that great. we got to depaul found andrew roop and unloaded. (depaul has such a nice campus) then we got everything unloaded and watched the groups before us. there were a lot of rappers and soul groups, all christian and all really good. we played about 10:45 or so. after us none other than T-Roy Stocker rapped. he brought the house down. everyone was going nuts. I havent seen him rap for a long time...he has gotten REALLY REALLY GOOD. then we loaded up and drove back. i slept for most of the ride. we got back to rockford about 1am and i got in my car, threw in some pedro and went home. i dont listen to pedro that often despite i have all his stuff, but everytime i do i am like "wow, this guy is so good. i should really listen to him more often." its kinda funny. so, shiver me timbers.
peace in the middle east. talk to you guys sunday nite.

Thursday, October 18, 2001

whats up kids. another day. another blog. today was fun. i guess. woke up and went to my classes. then went home and had an unplanned lunch with my dad. we both just happened to go home at the same time. then i went to work from 2-5:30. larry had the day off so there are really no interesting events to share from work. after work i went home and changed and then went to Megs and me paul redel there. then we went to dinner at logli. it was good. after that we drove to taylor's house to pick up a mixer so we can do some cool guitar stuff at the spoonful shows this weekend. then we went to barnes and nobel. i went to the humor section and started reading one of the three books of all Onion articles. a little bit into that i realized that i didnt pay for my dinner at loglis. i ordered my food and said they would call number 58 when it was ready ( and i would pay when i picked it up) but they brought it out to me. no number was called. when i was done eating i just threw away my plate and walked out.
weird huh. we ran into katie and emily gilbert there and we all got a table and talked for a while. then it happened.
we looked over and saw none other than Fox Moulder....or at least his look-a-like. it was crazy. paul and i even went and got a x-files book and compared the picture on the front to this guy. they looked just alike. so weird.
and he was reading a book on Thialand and looking at world maps. a little too ironic, yeah i really do think.
after that i went home to type the blog which you are reading now. well have a good weekend. i will be gone all weekend until sunday night....i will fill you in then on the events. stay tuned.
peace in the middle east.

Wednesday, October 17, 2001

i first would like to apologize for the lack of journal yesterday. yesterday was a big long day....i will explain after i give the run through of today. woke up for my 8am psych class. learned about learning there. then play pool with john nieswander and luke acker for an hour before music theory. Went to theory and got more confused about all the things that dont make any sense and will probably never will be applied to any music i am envoloved with.
so poop on that. after that i ran home and grabbed a sweater cuz it was cold out and went to work. Got there and larry was actually in a good mood. it was non stop laughs today though because he as havinh his partial plate worked on...which means he as missing the 4 front bottom teeth. the fact that these teeth were gone for a period of time only solidified the fact that he is truely a hick. after work i ran home and got rachel (my sister) and then went to church. did the church thing and then went to uncle nicks with a bunch of kids and went to a girl named kim's house to eat it. played some old school duck hunt there till it froze up and we got sick of blowing in the game.. now i am home. on the range. where mittens the devil cat from hell makes us all want to kill.
so any way....yesterday was a big day in my life...thats why the journal dosent exist. let me explain...this may be kind of a shock to a few of you........
yesterday i officially became the new drummer for the band breathing machine.
yes i play drums for those of you who dont know and i have for several years.
i have taken up this as my full time job. i am moving to appleton, wisconsin on december 14th or 15th.
no more rock valley. now this isnt just some crazy half thought out thing that im doing.
i auditioned for the spot and got it. i will be paid and given full heatlth insurance and all that stuff just like any other
full time job. so december 15th = no more dan (in rockford at least). i will keep this up to date as many details as i can share. I know for sure that i will be gone every weekend up until school gets out that week of the 14th. then i will be all over the place. thats all im gonna say bout that though. if you want to know more then just email me at or IM me. i dont want to type eveything out right now. so thats that.
peace in the middle east.

Monday, October 15, 2001

Woke up at 7 and got ready for class. went to class. decided to take notes because we started a new chapter. I got a B on the test i took in there last friday. After that i went and played pool with john for an hour until my music theory class. after theroy i went home and had left over papa johns pizza for lunch. then went to choir. then went to work. then went to best buy to buy blank CDs. then went home. then cleaned my room. now im typing this.
about one of the most boring days i have had in a long time. tomarrow shall hold more excitement im sure....i
hope. k. take luck. peace in the middle east.

Sunday, October 14, 2001

Let me just say i like Dr. Pepper. okay. this weekend was good. Saturday started off well. I went to work and had a good day there. it was slow and very relaxed. i got subway for lunch and it reminded me of Lutheran.
After work i went home and did some work on my computer and then took a nap. i woke up around 6:45 and went to brian rigginz house to pick him up. then mebrianmarcushollypaulgilljadejessicajamiebradjohnpaultrishkatiejaydanwhitechocolateleighkathy went to JMK for suchi and Karaoke. It was a load o fun. justin did baby got back and brian and i did Jeremy. After that i went home and went to bed cuz i had to be up for a early meeting at church
I slept through the meeting at church. I went to there well after the meeting was through and Paul redel and I
ripped apart the sound system and put it back together correctly because some one messed it up.
stupid highschoolers.......
afterthat i went and visited my grandpa, then went and installed a CD player in pauls car, then went to church and
did music. after that was over nate and i went to woodmans. (for all of you who arent familiar with is a grocery store that recently went up in rockford. It is about twice the size of Logli. All the prices are way way lower than anywhere else in town. if there is a grocery store in heaven it is woodmans. )
we bought a bunch of stuff to make milk shakes and then went home and made milk shakes. they were really good. now i am really tired and ready to go to sleep to face the alarm going off at 7am so i can go to psych. class. whoopee.
peace in the middle east