Three thousand years of beautiful tradition, from Moses to Sandy Koufax...

Possessed of an acute sense of smell & a curious nature so no matter what city he goes to he always ends up in chinatown.

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Location: Appleton, Wisconsin, United States

Thursday, May 15, 2003

im listening to the "Not in Nottingham" song from the Robin Hood cartoon movie. Its such a sad song. well. another good day in my surreal life of doing nothing but playing in a band. We got booked for summerfest this summer...July 1st. thats really exciting. Its such a huge festival with the best bands on least the ones i like. How we managed to get in there and why we deserve it...i dont know...hard work pays off i suppose...and we do a lot of hard work. So that is sweet. the rest of the day was easy breezy though. Hung out with the good old boys. went to Barnes and Nobel and picked up "it'll come to you" the songs of John Hiatt. its a good record.
After that had dinner at the fox river brewing company .
Jason/Karate/Dojo/Karate_Dojo/Dojo_Wonderwoman_Bat/Dosha/Mendoza and his step dad managed to fix the van in one days work. totally american. tomorrow we go to rockford and crash for one night before we leave for Indiana with the Snaggs on friday. I think im going to be staying in rockford this week...Saturday - Thursday...then be back on friday to play at Kryptonite. Totally Rockford. So we shall see.

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

back to bloggality, yup, there goes gravity.
well. im busy. i kinda realized it today. lots of shows have kept me away from the computer lately and lots of shows shall continue to do so. i can always tell if i'm busy by how much time i spend on this machine. things have been decent though. shows have been good, though josh hasnt been able to attend the last two. it feels very empty with out him. we are getting a radio promotion deal with Shut Eye Records. that will put us on 400+ college and independant radio stations around this big fat country and we got some new distribution through Miles of Music which is an totally appropriet website that sells tons of records of really good bands. check it out. i have found lots of good music off there.
on the down side our van needs a bunch of work done to it. Luckily Jason/Karate/Dojo/Karate_Dojo/Dojo_Wonderwoman_Bat/Dosha/Mendoza
(a man with many nicknames is a man much loved) has a very smart and very kind step dad which will do all the labor for free. that saves us a bundle.

Drugs and I came up with this the other day:

Totally Appropriet = Totally American
Totally Out of control = Totally Rockford
.....just so you know....

other than that nothing else is to exciting. tomorrow we practice and take some pictures with Josh.
thursday we leave for indiana w/ the snaggs
"your a daisy if you do"