Three thousand years of beautiful tradition, from Moses to Sandy Koufax...

Possessed of an acute sense of smell & a curious nature so no matter what city he goes to he always ends up in chinatown.

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Location: Appleton, Wisconsin, United States

Friday, May 06, 2005

so assume that there was this guy who had a hair cut that acutally looked like a hat that acutally looked like an ass.
and that guy needed to show me something on a website but i at the time of being asked to come over and see the website did not feel like getting up to look at the website.
so he was instructed to go press Ctrl - T to open a new browsing tab so he could keep on looking at website and i could view the page later.
and he didnt do it.
assume all that happens.
is it time to drop bombs?
i believe so my friends.
i believe so.